Judo is a Japanese sport focusing on using your opponent’s weight and strength against them. Judo provides a great physical and mental workout while developing and improving your balance, coordination, and confidence through the implementation of throwing techniques, pins, joint locks, submissions, and choking techniques. Judo translated simply means “The gentle way.” This is due to the fact that it relies more on technique and feel than it does brute strength. This is why a smaller person can defeat a bigger, stronger opponent.
Judo was created in Japan in 1882 by Professor Jigoro Kano as a martial art focused on “maximum efficient use of energy”. Professor Kano also founded a dojo in Tokyo that eventually became the world headquarters for Judo… The Kodokan. Kodokan Judo was officially introduced to the world when it became an Olympic sport at the Stockholm Olympics in 1964. Today, it is estimated that more than fifty million people practice Judo worldwide.
At Tri-City Judo we teach traditional Kodokan Judo for self-defense and competition. We offer classes for children as young as 4 in our Developmental Judo program. Students around 6 or older would fit in either the Junior’s class, or the Adult/Advanced class, or both! Experience is not a concern, as we pair up students in a way that they can learn from one another. Judo is based on a concept of “mutual benefit and welfare”, so in addition to assisting your partner in learning the techniques of Judo, the student is also looking out for the welfare of his or her training partner, too. Training is meant to be intense, but not harmful, which why one of the best martial arts for children is Judo. In our Developmental Judo program, we take children as young as 3.
As a USA Judo registered Dojo, we stay current on competition rules and regulations. Many of our students compete in tournaments State and Nationwide and we are proud to have produced so many nationally ranked judokas, at both the junior and senior levels. For anyone interested in training, Judo is one of the most effective martial arts available to learn.
For competitions and promotions, we follow the guidelines of USA Judo. For more information, stop by or send us an email today!
If it’s your first time, just wear something light and casual such as a t-shirt and shorts. Exercise or “gym” attire is appropriate. You may be provided a temporary “club Gi” until you are able to obtain one of your own. TCJ can help order a gi for you, or you can buy one online. Students MUST have their OWN gi (uniform) within a week of joining.
• Typical attire is a judo or jiu-jitsu gi – either can be worn to class
• Long hair should be braided or tied up
• Fingernails and toenails should be clean and trimmed
• Body & hair should be clean, and your gi should be washed weekly
• No jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, watches/fitness trackers, & body piercings – smooth wedding band ok
No Horseplay or Bullying!
No Shoes on the mat.
Bow when you enter and leave the mat.
Address the Judo instructor as “Sensei”.
Fingernails & Toenails MUST be clean & trimmed.
Wash your Gi weekly.
No Leaving Drinks or Sportsbottles in Fridge
Wash Gi (Uniform) Daily
Clean Hands and Feet (fingernails & toenails trimmed)
Foot Bath if Leaving Mat
Wear Gis to Dojo
No bottles left in fridge or Dojo
Shower before Class
Rashguards recommended under Gi
Masks not required but allowed